Say you're a young, pretty American girl on vacation in the most amazing town in the world, and you're looking for a cheap hotel: say you meet a kind Romanian illegal immigrant and you follow him in the nice park of Villa Borghese, down the burgled manhole of an underground electric cabin... what could possibly go wrong?
But it DID go wrong, so that Mr. Alemanno (Rome's major) that same evening lighted-up the Colisseum like a Christmas tree, as a memento to the violence to the women... good for them, since he's not paying the bill...
Editor's Note: Nothing against the nice Romanian people, of course... I'd say beware of any illegal immigrant, notwithstanding their nationality. And beware of Italians as well, supposed they ask you to follow them home to see a DVD on their new Blue Ray, and then you realize that they live down a manhole...