Eventually something is slowly changing, and it's changing for good: a CNN article about the harassment Mr.Berlusconi is enduring from some lowlife communist judges, is not much different from the usual radical-chic shit by CNN and only reports the statements of our left wingers, likewise the only mentioned protests are the rallies organized by the leftists: not one word about the many recent protests by the right wingers. But this is normal. What's not normal are the average comments by the readers: once they would have been totally supporting the article, and totally condemning Mr. Berlusconi. On the contrary and so far, the most are unbelievably fair to our Prime Minister: some note on how he was never condamned, supposing that those judges are at least incapable and should be sent to file traffic fines, some others mention that these are political manoeuvres of the left, that wasn't able to gain power with the votes and tries now to reverse the politic situation with false accusations... some say that with those huge bazongas Ruby doesn't look underage at all, so that almost all of them would have boned her until the next week, and so on... amazingly incredible!
I was reading about the case you were talking about, but from what I've read he wasn't indicted for anything? Please correct me with facts if I am wrong, but again, I find nothing condemning him of a crime? I need to explain myself better...but when I talk about responsibility I don't mean that a District attorney (your PM) is held accountable for jail time if he loses a case. What I do mean , is that a PM should be held accountable for for how many times he wins a case and what types of cases he brings to trial. You see....(and I'm from florida) if the district attorney of Tampa Bay attempted to try a man of soliciting prostitution with the prostitute in question denying anything happened and the man also denying (which is what I understand is the case in italy). Furthermore, if this Tampa DA set up indefinite wire taps to listen in on this man and all of his colleagues for this type of crime I can assure you that he would be pushing papers somewhere at the clerks office very shortly after the case was closed. Not only that but he could more likely than not be accused of using his position as district attorney improperly with use of the wiretaps. You see here in the US we respect very much our privacy. If a wiretap made it to the press, I can assure you that heads would role.
The disappoint about the Italian Government as hoped by the communists, here it's only minimal and the most of the comments openly declare that Mr. Berlusconi is under a clear and present attack from his (and ours) lifelong enemies. Please take some minutes to read all these comments, and then honestly weight them... what I like more is who states that "CNN has no shame" for posting a picture of our sweating PM and another hinting: "sounds to me very much like corrupt left wing judges trying to get him out of power"... lo and behold, a truth to be told!
As an example, just one wise comment by alexrbosco:
I was reading about the case you were talking about, but from what I've read he wasn't indicted for anything? Please correct me with facts if I am wrong, but again, I find nothing condemning him of a crime? I need to explain myself better...but when I talk about responsibility I don't mean that a District attorney (your PM) is held accountable for jail time if he loses a case. What I do mean , is that a PM should be held accountable for for how many times he wins a case and what types of cases he brings to trial. You see....(and I'm from florida) if the district attorney of Tampa Bay attempted to try a man of soliciting prostitution with the prostitute in question denying anything happened and the man also denying (which is what I understand is the case in italy). Furthermore, if this Tampa DA set up indefinite wire taps to listen in on this man and all of his colleagues for this type of crime I can assure you that he would be pushing papers somewhere at the clerks office very shortly after the case was closed. Not only that but he could more likely than not be accused of using his position as district attorney improperly with use of the wiretaps. You see here in the US we respect very much our privacy. If a wiretap made it to the press, I can assure you that heads would role.
Yes, Alex... this is how it should be in a Country were all the individuals are equally respected.
The disappoint about the Italian Government as hoped by the communists, here it's only minimal and the most of the comments openly declare that Mr. Berlusconi is under a clear and present attack from his (and ours) lifelong enemies. Please take some minutes to read all these comments, and then honestly weight them... what I like more is who states that "CNN has no shame" for posting a picture of our sweating PM and another hinting: "sounds to me very much like corrupt left wing judges trying to get him out of power"... lo and behold, a truth to be told!
And to seal this rant, please be gifted with a cute aphorism: "Good people always find something good in bad things, while evil people always search for bad in all good things". Amen to it.