Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back Home From Down Under & Apologizing For My Late Slow Posting...

Hi, my dear six readers! It's been almost a week, since the morning I came back home from my 10 days business trip to Australia and Singapore, and I'm just recovering now from all the stress mostly due to my Company's fuckin' policy of making their enslaved employees travel in cattle class ("you know, these are hard times… we have to cut the unnecessary costs..." notwithstanding the fact that this year as well they've greately increased their sales figures...) This added to the undoubtedly tiring job that I have to carry out and to my no longer young age, has morally and physically tired me quite a lot... therefore, and to be able to shave without spitting to my face, of course I tried to get some little compensations...
For instance, in Singapore I was booked into a "super-economy room" at the local Hyatt. Pity they mistook the booking, making it one day late. So I had to ask for an added night and I was told: "...no problem, Sir! We can check you in this evening, but we're sorry we cannot give you the super-economy room as it was agreed..." Of course, I said: ..."Oh, what a pity!"... and I got a beautiful double room, with a bathroom wider than my garage and a huge LCD TV on the wall... add to this the luxurious dinners I treated myself, the several double shots of JD I drank and the other personal pleasures I charged as "bar and restaurant" on the expense note, and I quite regained the respect of myself that I've almost lost due to the cheap, abominable in-flight treatment… eventually, I was to check out on 9/15 and my plane home was scheduled to leave at 23:45 on the same day. Twenty years ago, I'd have checked out in the morning, I'd have gone to work with my big luggage, I'd have waited for the office closing, I'd have had a taxi to the airport and I'd have waited four hours at the gate. But not now. My dick I'd do that now. So I worked until noon, since in the afternoon I was supposed to just support a marketing meeeting. Our nice area manager (bless him) told me that for him I was done, and to go back to the hotel to rest a little. That I did. Four hours sleep (to prepare for a 12 hours overseas cattle experience), a nice shover, the luggage prepared, a dinner with a nice bottle of Australian Shiraz and a 300 gr. medium-rare cooked Angus tenderloin, dessert, espresso, a double shot of my beloved JD and then I checked out at 21:30... ("Sir, we'll have to charge you for the whole day... Oh, how sad! But I'm supposed to suffer, for my job!"). Eventually a taxi to the airport, and back home again. That is.
As to the lately slow posting, I have to admit that my interest in posting is temporarily in a dwindling phase... Initially I started this blog on the aftermath rage of what happened on the 9/11. And the rage is still here, likewise also is the deep sorrow. The little animated candle gadget on my page, will be lighted forever... Another reason for this blog was the need to spread abroad the correct information about the validity and effectiveness of the Government and of the Party of our present Prime Minister, the Honorable Mr. Silvio Berlusconi.
The disinformation scattered in Italy and abroad by the goddamned communists of the so-called "Democratic Party" was actually quite effective, since they're masters in it (the former KGB teaches: the Wikipedia page about Mr. Berlusconi was written by one of them rotten rats, so that at the top there's a disclaimer saying that probably it's not unbiased... unbiased my blessed dick: it's pure libel!..) therefore I needed to shout loud what is the actual truth. Now, this urgency doesn't exist anymore: after more than two years, our center-right Government is still strongly leading the Country, and has all the intentions and the certitude to be able to reach the next elections, that most probably we'll win. Moreover, our Government has received until now innumerable consents from the other major nations and from the EU, has saved our economy, is bravely fighting the war on terror in Afghanistan (were we lost 30 souls, until now) and is working to further improve our foreign political and economic relations both in the Mediterranean area and in the Eastern Europe...
The perverted, ignorant and corrupted members of the rottin' communist opposition and of the gang of Di Pietro have no say in the management of the Italian public life. So, to make it short I fell like slowing down a little... whoever likes to read me, can find some fun in the posts of Roberto G. on the Jalopnik cars site. And don't forget the incredibabes of Top Club. But I'm not quitting. As I've said, I'm just slowing down a little. Until some muslim or commie misbehavior will bash my beloved balls... or until our Ferrari wins a race!
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